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The ALL-NBA Teams are a Farce May 11, 2007

Posted by netsophobia in Detroit Pistons, Dwight Howard, Eastern Conference, Melo, NBA Playoffs, NBA talk, New Jersey Nets, Orlando Magic, Phoenix, Recap, Season Awards, STAT, Stevie, Weekday Randomness.
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First of all, the first team, there’s nothing wrong with the first team, Steve Nash, STAT, Dirk Nowitzki, Tim Duncan, and KB24, they did what they did the entire season, and got to where they are now, obviously Steven Nash, the double MVP, STAT, with his successful comeback, Kobe those scoring spurts, Duncan, being solid the entire season, and of course the leader of the best during the regular season, Nowitzki.

But the problems starts here, the 2nd Team, Chris Bosh, LeBron James, Yao Ming, Tracy McGrady, Gilbert Arenas; Bosh and James, no troubles there, but Arenas? man he had a hell of a season, but the second team? you’d gotta be kidding, what about Jason Kidd? man, he had one of the best statistical season ever, and the Nets have the same record when compared to the Wizards, and T-Mac? and Yao? man, i know the choices are limited, but hey, guys like them missed tons of games, so how do you put this equation together?

and the All-NBA 3rd Team? joke. F Kevin Garnett, F Carmelo Anthony, C Dwight Howard, G Dwyane Wade, G Chauncey Billups. Ok, this, Billups should be here, because he’s repping the best team in the East, so he’s got his case, but Wade? what did he do? last thing i’ve heard from him was nothing related to the 47-35 record the Heat got at the end of the season. Garnett didn’t even make the playoffs, and Melo? let’s not start talking.

let’s see how many players who should’ve be here, Mehmet Okur, Carlos Boozer, Jason Kidd, Shawn Marion, Vince Carter. The Sports Guru from Fear the Sword noted that King James will be extra motivated on Sunday’s game because he got snubbed from the first team, which i think is what he deserves after apparently “coasting” through the entire season or so. But let me tell you this, the best point guard in the NBA right now (arguably), won’t be too happy about being snubbed as well, and the scary thing is, he has even started dominating yet.

Melo Swag and someone else.. February 10, 2007

Posted by netsophobia in All-Star Game, Craig Sager, Gilbert Arenas, Josh Howard, Melo, NBA talk, youtube.
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so David Stern took some time to look back in the day and he saw that never an All-Star game where the league’s leading scorer never make it to the ASG, and then he found out that another player from the best team in the NBA right now isnt in it, so he went to work, naming Melo and Josh Howard as replacements for Yao Ming and Carlos Boozer, i’m sure he gave thought to the fact that Zach Randolph and Elton Brand have a legit chance of making it, but i’m still just crying over the fact that no one gave a damn about Deron Williams

in other news we finally get to see the Craig Sager video of him interviewing Mayce Webber

and our countdown for Gilbert Arenas big day against the Portland Tailblazers is in 2 days time, i wonder just how Nate Mcmillan is gonna stop Gil, throw three defenders at him? this will be classic…and what if he really scores 50..what can we say about the Blazers aihh..

absolutely cocky? January 24, 2007

Posted by netsophobia in Denver Nuggets, Gilbert Arenas, Melo, Phoenix, PotD, STAT, Stevie, Wiz.

is Amare Stoudemire triggering some heat right here? cos woo talk about new motivation for Agent Z3ro

“I did hear that they wanted to be the Phoenix Suns of the East, I think there’s only one Phoenix Suns, and we rest in the West. And that’s how it’s going to be for a while.”
spite me!!

Amare..Amare didnt you know that Gilbert Arenas scours the papers everyday for comments like this? next thing we know Arenas is gonna come out with a statement stating he’s gonna posterize STAT with a windmill dunk or whatsoever

but still, The Suns proved why they are the hottest team in the L, and the Wiz showed why the East are a bunch teams with loaded cannons that shoots without aim, Suns had the Wiz beat in the early going and never looked back, Steve Nash showed wy he’s a DOUBLE MVP winner with 27 on 11-13 shooting and 14 assists to earned the PotD yo!

– i know Denver are winning but the last 2 games featuring the Meloson show? the main player that bought them the win was good ole Steve Blake, give him some props! Nuggets overcome Jesus’s 44 to win 117-112
(edit: 34 from RUSTY Melo)

not again! January 23, 2007

Posted by netsophobia in Denver Nuggets, Eddie House, JR Smith, Lawrence Frank, Melo, New Jersey Nets, PotD.
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i blame today’s lost against the Kings as a fault of both Lawrence Frank and Eddie House, i have nothing against Vince Carter which in my opinion has not have a good game since who knows how long ago, we led by 20 at one point and in the we succumbed to good ole Mike Bibby’s yucky heroics. Kings win 89-88

i seriously wonder….

Lawrence Frank
– can he justify the minutes he’s given to Eddie House when clearly the man isnt producing with the amount of minutes he’s had on the court i mean 23 minutes only and he jacked up 16 shots? im baffled! he had a game where he made key shots down the stretch but hey hes not producing this time round so would you please?
– playing Clifford Robinson for 28 freaking minutes? that’s almost double the amount of time josh Boone is getting but their productions are almost the same, i hate to say this again and again Cliff Robinson is old, it’s time to pass the mantle yo!, obviously Josh Boone is playing better why?
– playing Vince Carter for 28 minutes…

Eddie House
– yo dude! if you know you aint hitting it then pass up the shot, dun shoot when you’re terrible shooting em goodness me

the Cornrow Parade
tonights the day where Carmelo Anthony comes back and we get to see the Melo, AI, and JR Smith triple team! and rightly so today’s PotD goes to Allen Iverson. WHY? well Melo had 28..but AI complemented Melo well with 7 assists and he shot less than Melo did and still had his fair share of points, Jr Smith is averaging 17.5 off the bench in his last 6 games,

u might have to click it to be clear

if this continues, Denver will be one of the teams to watch, but i think 3 or 4 more games into the big three, we’ll see how good they can click