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not again! January 23, 2007

Posted by netsophobia in Denver Nuggets, Eddie House, JR Smith, Lawrence Frank, Melo, New Jersey Nets, PotD.

i blame today’s lost against the Kings as a fault of both Lawrence Frank and Eddie House, i have nothing against Vince Carter which in my opinion has not have a good game since who knows how long ago, we led by 20 at one point and in the we succumbed to good ole Mike Bibby’s yucky heroics. Kings win 89-88

i seriously wonder….

Lawrence Frank
– can he justify the minutes he’s given to Eddie House when clearly the man isnt producing with the amount of minutes he’s had on the court i mean 23 minutes only and he jacked up 16 shots? im baffled! he had a game where he made key shots down the stretch but hey hes not producing this time round so would you please?
– playing Clifford Robinson for 28 freaking minutes? that’s almost double the amount of time josh Boone is getting but their productions are almost the same, i hate to say this again and again Cliff Robinson is old, it’s time to pass the mantle yo!, obviously Josh Boone is playing better why?
– playing Vince Carter for 28 minutes…

Eddie House
– yo dude! if you know you aint hitting it then pass up the shot, dun shoot when you’re terrible shooting em goodness me

the Cornrow Parade
tonights the day where Carmelo Anthony comes back and we get to see the Melo, AI, and JR Smith triple team! and rightly so today’s PotD goes to Allen Iverson. WHY? well Melo had 28..but AI complemented Melo well with 7 assists and he shot less than Melo did and still had his fair share of points, Jr Smith is averaging 17.5 off the bench in his last 6 games,

u might have to click it to be clear

if this continues, Denver will be one of the teams to watch, but i think 3 or 4 more games into the big three, we’ll see how good they can click


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