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Totally Small Competition Discussion October 7, 2007

Posted by netsophobia in Boston Celtics, NBA predictions, NBA talk, New Jersey Nets, youtube.

Of course I’m confining it to the Atlantic Division only, I mean if we can’t even get out of the Atlantic, how can we think of something else?

Boston Celtics
Key Additions: Eddie House (=.=), Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, Gabe Pruitt
Key Losses: Al Jefferson, Delonte West, Wally Sczerbiak, Gerald Green, Michael Olowokandi???
Head Coach: Doctor Rivers

When we meeting them?
Nov 10, Nov 14 @ Boston, Jan 11, Apr 16 @ Boston

Why we afraid of them?
Because they have the hype on their side, that’s why. KG, Jesus, and Pierce all adds up to a better and stronger version of our Three Netskeeters, and seriously even if Rajon Rondo’s their starting point guard. They still can scare people with their big three.

On any good night, those three can bring our team to school, or maybe even kindergarten.

Why we aren’t afraid of them?
Can someone tell me who Eddie House is? because I don’t seem to have any recollection of this man in my brain. And who’s their first player off the bench? what? I don’t get you. Big Threes always seem to look like good friends until they start falling apart, just ask Ray Allen, he’d know.

Season Series prediction: 2-2
Reason: well because we get the privillege of meeting them early and late in the season my dear, if it’s early, it’s possible for us to win those 2 November games because they aren’t organized enough, I don’t think they will hit their full stride so early on in the season therefore there will always be a sluggish start for them and that’s two wins for us.

2 losses would come from the fact that later in the season, they’re starting to play well together and we can’t keep up with them hence 2 losses. It works the other way round too, started well and dropping off signifcantly in the end.

Will they be ahead of us in the standings?
NO, but they will make the playoffs, that’s a bullish statement heh, well, I’m positive that they will have a bad start but somehow they’ll be able to negate the ship and finish strong (sounds just like the Nets), they’ll make the playoffs.



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